
Devised theatre piece about potatoes

Performed in Reykjavík City theatre September 2019 & October 2020 
with CGFC

Devised theatre piece by CGFC and Halldór Eldjárn exploring the potato and it’s cultural context in Iceland. The group went on a research-rollercoaster through potato farmers and their feelings towards the potato to get to the bottom of what happened to Helga Gísladóttir, the forgotten but revolutionary potato farmer in Hrunamannahreppur, and what happened to the Bacon-chips from Þykkvabæjar? As part of the piece, the group painted a portrait of Helga Gísladóttir and handed it over to the Ministry of Agriculture, where it now hangs.

The piece was later adapted to a three episode radioplay, and aired on The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV) in March 2021.

The piece was created by CGFC in collaboration with composer Halldór Eldjárn and choreographer Marta Ákadóttir.

Nominated for the Icelandic Theatre Awards ‘Gríman’ 2020 as Best play